I felt it coming and the pull to pick my skin became stronger
until I was ‘in the position’ of an OCD session, but instead I moved myself to
get ready and I left the house. As I was driving I was forgiving the experience
out loud and as I began to dig a little deeper it was not coming through
clearly. What I was experiencing was a mixture anxiety, fear, and perhaps
In this situation I felt anxiety because I had left the
responsibilities to the last minute, and now if anything went wrong I would not
have time to fix it.
I felt anger because I had ‘done it again’ in terms of
compromising myself by leaving things to the last minute, thus creating a
bigger deal out of the responsibilities by avoiding them, instead of having
simply dealt with them earlier.
I felt fear because I didn’t want others to see that I didn’t
get it together, because I have this perception of how others see me that I
want to maintain in order to believe it is true, and if anything went wrong with
either of these responsibilities, my cover would be blown and I would be
exposed as my real truth: that I am still participating in this irresponsible
pattern that does not create myself as an individual that can be depended on
and trusted.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to leave
responsibilities to last minute, in an effort to avoid having to do them, thus
creating a compromised situation or myself by not having enough time, creating
chaos and uncertainty in my world, and repeating a pattern that creates myself
as someone I cannot trust to get things done, or depend on to be able to move
myself to take responsibility in my life and world.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to avoid
and procrastinate from taking care of the responsibilities I have committed to,
within the hopes that someone else will come along and do it for me, thus
giving my power away and sabotaging my self-relationship and the self-trust
that I require o build and prove over time.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to avoid
and procrastinate from taking care of responsibilities that I don’t completely
know how to do, and instead of simply beginning to accomplish them, I build
them up in my mind and worry about them, and I create ideas that I will not be
able to get through them and I will fail, and within my avoidance and
procrastination from actually dealing with the responsibility, I hope someone
else will do it, or that it will somehow work itself out without my
intervention, instead of empowering myself to move through the responsibility
step by step- asking for assistance whenever I run into an obstacle I cannot
overcome, so that I‘m contributing to building my self-trust and dependability
each time I have a responsibility. Wherein- each time I have responsibilities
to tend to, what I also have is an opportunity to strengthen my self-trust, by
showing myself that I can in fact stick to the commitment, and walk through the
responsibility to the best of my ability.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to avoid
and procrastinate from taking care of responsibilities, and hoping someone else
will do it for me, thus creating a powerlessness and helplessness within and as
me, where I think/believe/perceive that I simply can’t do it, and I am unable,
and instead of proving to myself that I can in fact do it by actually doing it,
I simply believe my thoughts/ideas/perceptions and beliefs, and the energy
connected to them, within the logic of, ‘because I think ‘I can’t do it,’ and
feel like ‘I can’t do it;’ it must be true,’ instead of using common sense to
actually test myself in reality, to see if it is true or not.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create
and manifest powerlessness and helplessness within and as me, through allowing
others in my world to ‘do it for me’, or simply not taking responsibility and
allowing it to ‘work itself out’ and ceate chaos, instead of taking the
initiative to do it for myself and prove to myself that I can do it, thus
actually creating self-empowerment, instead of creating helplessness and
powerlessness through inaction and giving up.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to avoid
taking responsibility for myself, and then fear the consequences of not doing
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make
the decision to not take self-responsibility, and to avoid doing the
responsibilities I have to do because I have built them up to be something more
than I think I can handle, and then fear the consequences of having done so,
because this cycle brings it to point
where it is beyond my control.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to bring
tasks/responsibilities to the point where they are beyond my control, wherein,
I bring them to the point where I can only barely get them done- wherein,
within and through my non-action, I have accepted and allowed the point to grow
and fester and become something that I cannot possibly take responsibility for
because it becomes ‘too late’, and then I can use the excuse that I ‘couldn’t
possible do anything’, ‘it was beyond my control’, it was 'bigger than me'/'too
great for me,’ when in fact
I created the entire situation through my
deliberate non-action through self-disempowerment and helplessness.
I can recall this pattern from when I was younger, wherein it
would manifest as a messy room, not completing my homework and assignments, and
not pulling my own weight by doing household chores. Within this, there is quite a simplistic pattern
within which I create energy in relation to, for example, responsibilities,
where I, in a moment of facing consequence that I know I created, would then
REACT to MY OWN consequence, and then use this reaction to
justify/validate/excuse ocd/csp. So the pattern I am exposing to myself here,
is not taking responsibility for obligations, then accumulating reactions
towards not doing it/postponing/procrastinating (wherein I would feel
bad/irritable/uncomfortable/down on myself/low self-esteem/worthless etc….),
and from this building up all these reactions into an Energy (like the ‘white
noise I mentioned in this blog), and then to a point where I use that energy to
pick, thus in essence, using this pattern as a deliberate way to deliberately
create energy for picking.
The SOLUTION to this would be to, instead of waiting for
responsibilities, to DO them- not build up the energy in reaction to
obligation, but to get things done- really walk step-by-step and breath by
breath, because I see that if I miss a step/miss a moment- my mind so easily goes
into that reaction. In this way, I can ensure that I don’t deliberately use
obligations/responsibilities to react to them and NOT do them then lead myself
into the temptation of OCD/CSP’ The choice is consequences or solution: doing
the responsibility and EXPANDING me, or not doing them and building energy and leading
myself to picking my skin/OCD/depression.
To learn these self-supportive writing tools for
yourself visit: DIP LITE-
a free course where you will learn to create a platform of self-support
to be able to face yourself in forgiveness and acceptance, and recreate
yourself through your own self-realization, in a way that honours you and
supports yourself to Live a Life worth Living.
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