Within this blog I am continuing workin through the point of guilt within OCD, wherein not only am I placing myself as less important and less valued than the disorder, but I am also placing those in my world as second to my disorder.
"I constantly and consistently choose OCD over real Life and Actual Living, where Life is defined as living within and as self-direction in every moment, living in presence and awareness, constantly improving, perfecting, honing, mastering, supporting oneself within and as every breath, supporting others as self, equal and one. Not living within and as guilt, regret, suppression and fear, addiction, disorder and obsessive compulsion."
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to neglect
to realize and understand that within investing myself into and as OCD, CSP by
investing my time, and myself as energy as reactions, thoughts, feelings and
emotions, I am allowing energy over time
to slowly utilize my finite physical resource instead of utilizing that
resource for actual living, to be and become relevant, and to be the source of
solution instead of the source of the problem/disorder that I am.
"I constantly and consistently choose OCD over real Life and Actual Living, where Life is defined as living within and as self-direction in every moment, living in presence and awareness, constantly improving, perfecting, honing, mastering, supporting oneself within and as every breath, supporting others as self, equal and one. Not living within and as guilt, regret, suppression and fear, addiction, disorder and obsessive compulsion."
I commit myself to value and invest the time and physical
resources that I DO have, into the substantial investment of myself as Life
I commit myself to take myself BACK from the disorder that I
am, and to create myself anew by pushing myself, over and over, until I get it,
bit by bit, until I AM.
When and I as I see that I am in a moment of poorly invested
time as energy as the disorder I find myself existing as and within, I stop,
and I breathe, and I face it, without fear or hesitation, I stop, and I choose
my investment as myself as life, and nothing can be so terrible and so bad and
unendurable to make me decide otherwise. In the end, there is no choice.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react
within and as guilt to the fact that I have invested myself into and as a
disorder that gives me apparent ‘release’ from the inner pressure I myself had
created, thus misplacing value away from everyone and everything around me, and
placing myself as ‘who I am as OCD’ as my number one priority, while
suppressing my self-expression and my potential of equal and one living.
I commit myself to
continue stopping any and all reactions as separation, as if the disorder were
something separate from myself that I can look at and react ot and judge as a
separate entity. It is not, it is not something “I have”, it is something ‘I am’,
something I have accepted and allowed in unawareness, it is something I used to
cope because I didn’t understand how to deal with the overwhelming feelings and
emotions I would experience. But it doesn’t take away my responsibility,
because I created it, only I can un-do it, delete it, release it, stop it, push
through it, and re-create myself as self-support, self-love, self-acceptance,
self-honour, self-will, self-honest and self-direction.
When and as I see that I am going into guilt because of and
due to the fact that I have valued the disorder over myself and others, and
over Life and real living, I stop, and I breathe. I bring myself back to
self-honesty by reminding myself that the guilt is only self-manipulation that
further entrenches me into the disorder. Guilt only fuels the internal storm
that leads me to pick instead of me leading myself to self-support. I bring
myself back to self-direction by stopping the guilt in one moment and not
accepting or allowing myself to participate in and perpetuate it in any way
whatsoever, and I direct myself to see, realize and understand that the
instant cure for guilt is to take myself back in that moment, to pick myself
up and push myself back to this process and back to reality.
This blog is continued from:
Day 143- Dermatillomania: Staring the Beast in the Face
Day 144- Dermatillomania: Staring the Beast in the Face (pt 2)
Day 145- Dermatillomania: Staring the Beast in the Face (pt 3)
Day 146- Dermatillomania: Staring the Beast in the Face (pt 4)
Day 147- The Comfort and Security of OCD
Day 149- OCD: It Doesn't Matter, If No One Knows
Day 150- OCD and Distorting Reality Day 151- OCDas Dermatillomania: Delusional Mind Day 152- TheFear of Not Having OCD
Day 153- When OCD Prevents Life
Day 154- Dermatillomania: SecretlyOut of Control
Day 155- I Have OCD Day 156- OCD: It Makes You Super-Human, 'Unstoppable' Day 157- OCD:Practical Cessation Day 158- OCD: The Inner Time Bomb
Day 144- Dermatillomania: Staring the Beast in the Face (pt 2)
Day 145- Dermatillomania: Staring the Beast in the Face (pt 3)
Day 146- Dermatillomania: Staring the Beast in the Face (pt 4)
Day 147- The Comfort and Security of OCD
Day 149- OCD: It Doesn't Matter, If No One Knows
Day 150- OCD and Distorting Reality Day 151- OCDas Dermatillomania: Delusional Mind Day 152- TheFear of Not Having OCD
Day 153- When OCD Prevents Life
Day 154- Dermatillomania: SecretlyOut of Control
Day 155- I Have OCD Day 156- OCD: It Makes You Super-Human, 'Unstoppable' Day 157- OCD:Practical Cessation Day 158- OCD: The Inner Time Bomb
Self-Study with support, learn to respect you and others, learn how to stop
mind chatter, learn how to forgive so effectively that you actually change
forever, learn how to stop and change the automatic thoughts that run your life
--Sign up for the free course at this link: DIPLITE, dare yourself to look at
what you create within.
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