Monday, May 29, 2023

This is My Breastmilk.

To my breastfeeding mother friends, did you know that what you produce is literally liquid gold. It is healing magic. It is a carrier of information, and it is so much more?

It is crazy to think that only a generation ago, our grandparents were convinced that breastfeeding was inadequate, animalistic, perceived as dirty, and shunned by society. A mother breastfeeding in public was a vulgar sight, and people would be quite disgusted to see this natural act taking place.

That generation, in all their innocence, were victim to the all pervasive power of the advertising machine which can literally, and still to this day, invent and script our cultural norms and forays. New mothers were convinced that their breast milk, which was created by the same body that produced another human, which is designed to feed that human within a physical communication of the chemical and nutritional needs of that tiny little human - was inadequate! This breastmilk will change on command. If the baby is sick, the milk will change colour as it modifies itself to suit the needs of the child to fight the illness. It transforms itself over time, from the beginning of the feeding to the end, and over years as the child develops and its needs change to grow different bones and organs, hormones and immunities.

Needless to say - the technology of breastmilk far surpasses anything the human mind could possibly comprehend or reproduce. Not in our wildest dreams could we match the magic of breastmilk. Yet, one generation ago, mothers were convinced that man-made formula from pasturized and disinfected (ie: dead) cows milk, could do a better job at nourishing an infant human, with all its synthetic vitamin and mineral additives. A few corporations made a lot of money on that one. We were duped, and our children suffered for it.

All this to say that: I will not be breastfeeding forever, so I will take full advantage of this magical elixir my body has been creating. 

I express my milk to use on myself as a  topical application on skin rashes and irritations. I will also, from time to time, do a facial with it, and I've used it on Celest's diaper rash when she was teething. It has never failed me. It clears up, soothes or heals everything I put it on. It has become my go-to for any and all healing needs, which are few thankfully.

But I don't just use it willy-nilly. I have been reading a series called "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" - Also known as the Anastasia books. I will no doubt be writing more on what I have been learning on the subject of parenting from these books.

In book 2 of the series, Anastasia explains that when you breastfeed your child, you need to focus only on the child. Do not have random thoughts running through your mind. This is because the substance of breastmilk is extremely sensitive. It carries information into the child, and influences the child's development on an informational and physical level, which later on can be activated and manifest in the child.

When the portal explained breastfeeding on a separate occasion, she said to breastfeed with 'nothingness'. As Gian puts it: with nothingness,  " are not transferring anything to the child except training and showing them to be here as nothingness". As Anastasia explains, if you do it this way, you then teach the child to 'communicate with the universe and have access to everything'. Funny how being "here as nothingness" gives you "access to everything", but that is for another post.

When I am nursing with Celest and I find my mind begin to wander, I will bring my focused awareness back on to her, onto her  physical,  the mundane things, which are things that wont activate entire thought processes!. And I will speak them to myself. So when my mind begins to wander, I will look at her and simply say things like,  you have two eyes, your hair is blond, your shirt is blue, it has five buttons... and so on until I am just breathing.

Back to the breastmilk. My tip for breastmilk application is to use these fine-mist spray bottles as shown in the photo. They are very small, so the contents will always be fresh. It dries quickly because it is sprayed in such a fine mist, and you can keep it in the fridge for a few days.

I also hold within me my intention for the milk, kind of like how tou can set and intention for the water tou drink - things like what I want to heal and why. I then commit to uprooting and dealing with the mind-made cause of the ailment whenever possible, because if we just heal ourselves and remain comfortable, we'll probably recreate the same issue again until it's dealt with.

I don't use breastmilk on Celest very much because her body is learning how to exist in this environment and heal itself, it does not need a crutch. But when she is in discomfort like with a diaper rash, because diapers are so unnatural and unfortunate, I give the extra support for her comfort. I have applied a bit to her cradle cap, but that seems to be clearing up on its own quite well; its a "don't fix what ain't broken kind of thing". Or maybe it was the breastmilk? 😉 Jk! 😆

So, if you are a breastfeeding mother,  express some of your milk and use it (also good in baths and for hair treatment 😃)! Why not? 

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