Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 92- Death by Pleasing Others (pt 3)

This is a continuation of my last blogs: Day 90- Death by Pleasing Others, and Day 91- Death by Pleasing Others (pt 2)

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel good about myself when I think/believe/perceive others like me or are pleased with who/how I am.

I commit myself to see/realize/understand that ‘feeling good’ about myself contains the
polarity of ‘feeling bad’, and that I can’t have one without the other, and thus I see/realize/understand that self-equality has no charge, as it ‘just is’, which leaves no desire to experience myself any other way than Who I Am in every moment.

I commit myself to stop trying and attempting to
manipulate my environment and those around me to change my experience of myself, and to instead take self-responsibility for my self-experience by looking at the root cause for why I would want/need/desire to experience myself any other way than just existing in the moment, Here.

I forgive myself that I have
accepted and allowed myself to like and be pleased with myself when I think/believe/perceive others are pleased with or like me.

I commit myself to base my self-observation on the physical reality of myself, and the outflows of my actions and
decisions and whether or not they are best for all.

I commit myself to investigate all ways in which I ‘don’t like’ myself, in order to understand why it is that I would look for that from an outside source instead of giving it
to myself. Within this, I commit myself to stop judging myself or aspects of myself where I’ve decided that I ‘don’t like’ them, instead of having immediately stopped the
judgment or the behavior that did not honour myself as Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define how I feel about myself based on how I perceive others feel about me.

I commit myself to stop taking others reactions personally, whether they are
positive or negative.

I commit myself to see/realize/understand that the reactions of others comes from their internal
processes that may be affected by the day they had, or the week they had, or the month or maybe even an entire life experience that is creating a reaction within them, that has nothing to do with me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to base my
self-image on energy, on how I feel inside- wherein, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed my external environment, and the people within it, to affect how I feel inside myself, within and through the relationships I have developed with people and things in my external environment, instead of seeing/realizing/understanding that these relationships are entirely my creation, my thoughts/beliefs/perceptions, therefore they are all merely reflecting me to myself, and how I feel about myself, and my self-relationship.

I commit myself to seeing, realizing and understanding that the relationships I create with people, in terms of my reactions to their reactions, are completely my creation, and are always showing me something about myself, and thus:

I commit myself to
purify my relationship with myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to base my self-relationship on energetic internal experiences, instead of basing it on measurable physical actions and their outcomes.

I commit myself to stop trusting my internal
emotional and feeling experiences, which I don’t even understand how I created them, and to instead trust what is tangibly measurably, observably Here, in reality as the outflows, outcomes and consequences of my actions, on myself and others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to base anything of myself on
energy, within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abdicating myself to energy.

I commit myself to take back my self-direction and self-responsibility from my
mind and energy and to walk myself instead back into awareness as Life, as all as one as equal.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want/need/desire to be perceived as ‘good’, ‘right’, ‘positive’.

I commit myself to stop my participation within the positive/right/good-negative/bad/wrong
polarity construct and to realize and understand that there is no good/bad, positive/negative/ right/wrong- only what is Here, and whether it is in consideration of the whole as what’s best for all, or whether it allows abuse to continue.

I commit myself to be and become aware of my place and my responsibility within myself and the world-systems, and to equalize within myself so that I may be a living standing example of and as equality and oneness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect praise and pleased-ness of others to feeling good/right/positive within and as myself.

I commit myself to sever the connections I have made to reactions, actions, words and deeds so that I may end the separation with/as myself.

Day 91- Death by Pleasing Others (pt 2)

This is a continuation of Day 90- Death By Pleasing Others

I commit myself to walk myself out of ego and into physical reality, by stopping feeding my ego with negative/positive energy through stopping judging experiences outside myself in relation to me, to actually become a REAL Agent of self-change and thus, global change as I am inextricably linked to the whole.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to try/attempt to please others in self-interest, in order for me to feel better about myself and who I am, instead of giving myself that which I have separated myself from in order that I may be whole, and thus not seek any kind of fulfillment from others.

I commit myself to, in every moment, give myself that which I have separated myself from, by stopping my
relationships with it, thus becoming equal to and one with it.

I commit myself to effectively end self-interest within and as me, by changing the starting point of all my decisions to a consideration of the whole within the principle of ‘do unto others’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want/need/desire to please people because it’s easier than standing up within myself.

I commit myself to directing myself to equality with others, wherein I do not use them to feed my ego nor to hide, nor to fear expressing myself as Who I Am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hide myself within pleasing others, by hiding Who I Really Am within myself, and only behaving in ways which I think/believe/perceive others may be pleased by/approve of.

I commit myself to Standing up within myself, fearlessly as all as one as equal, by revealing myself completely and accepting myself completely, no matter who I’m around, where I am or what I’m doing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make people-pleasing into an ego-trip.

I commit myself to treat others the way I would like to be treated, which is within/as self-honesty and self-responsibility.

I commit myself to stop creating
relationships of separation with people and my environment in an attempt to gain something from them/it, and to instead stand clear within myself as Who I Am, and my self-relationship.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel good about myself when I think/believe/perceive others like me or are pleased with who/how I am.

I commit myself to see/realize/understand that ‘feeling good’ about myself contains the
polarity of ‘feeling bad’, and that I can’t have one without the other, and thus I see/realize/understand that self-equality has no charge, as it ‘just is’, which leaves no desire to experience myself any other way than Who I Am in every moment.

When and as I see that I am accepting/allowing myself to feel pleased with myself based on how others are reacting to/towards me I stop and I breathe. I bring myself back to physical reality by looking at what I am actually doing, and assessing it based on whether it is what’s best for myself within equality and oneness with all, or based in self-interest In trying/attempting to create an internal energetic experience for myself. Within this, I effectively stop myself from feeding my ego as self-interest by judging myself or others as ‘good/right/positive’ or as wrong/bad/negative, which would be placing myself above or below others which is not acceptable. I embrace myself within and as self-acceptance, and stop the energy-seeking behavior by checking my starting point and focusing on my
breathinguntil it is aligned with doing what’s best for all, which is being/becoming equal within/as myself first.

To Be Continued...

Day 90- Death by Pleasing Others

This is a continuation from Day 89- It's Not You, It's Me

The ‘people pleaser’ character

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that people won’t like me because of who or how I am behaving or have behaved in the past or will behave in the future.

I commit myself to direct my behavior to that which is best for myself as all, and in this, I commit myself to take myself back from the direction of pleasing others.
 forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear people will become unpleased with me due to my behavior in the past/present/future.

I commit myself to look practically at my behavior, and to stop basing the value of what I do upon how others react, and instead I commit myself to assess my
behaviour for myself as to whether or not it is self-honest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear not being liked by others outside myself.

I commit myself to base
Who I Am on my actions/words/deeds, without fear of how they may or may not be perceived.

I commit myself to learn and understand how I create myself and to take complete self-responsibility for myself as my creation I forgive myself that I have
accepted and allowed myself to fear that others are judging me in their minds.

I commit myself to realize, see and understand that I am not a
mind reader, and within this, that I can never really know what others are thinking and that it does not even matter so long as I accept me and stand within who I am as Life Here, equal and one.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take it personally when I think others are judging me in their minds or their words.

I commit myself to stop wasting my
time taking things personally and in so doing, take myself back from the fear that I accept/allow myself to exist within and as. Within this:

I commit myself to take myself back from fear by not
accepting or allowing fear to exist within and as me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not stand as who I am, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

I commit myself to stand as who I Am regardless of what others may think.

I commit myself to take myself back from participating within and as self-reflection onto others by stopping and
changing my internal reactions, instead of believing them and judging myself based on my perceptions, ideas and beliefs, thus I commit myself to continue walking my self-change.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want/need/desire to please people.

I commit myself to stop trying to please others as
abdication of my responsibility to myself by placing it upon them to ‘make’ me feel good/positive/right, thus placing within them also the power to ‘make’ me feel bad/negative/wrong.

I commit myself to take myself back from
pleasing others by stopping the energetic internal experience of good/positive/right, and bad/negative/wrong, by realizing, seeing and understanding that there is only that which is best for all and that which is self-interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feed my ego with positive energetic
feelings when I think/believe/perceive I have pleased others or others are pleased with me.

I commit myself to walk out of
energy as ego by becoming equal to and one with it and changing as it by stopping my participation within/as it and directing myself to instead be equal to and one with the physical reality we all share and with everyone that shares it.

To be Continued...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 89- It's Not You, It's Me

It’s Not You, It’s Me
Today I had a big point open up when I thought I was confronting someone about possibly judging me. ‘Confronting’ might not be the right word, because I actually was speaking my back chat or internal voice, in order to ‘put it out there’ to be discussed, because I couldn’t see clearly what I was missing. First of all, I know damn well that worrying about what another is thinking is always me projecting myself onto another. But I was SOOOO convinced that it was the person making me feel bad because of what they ‘might have’ been thinking. So I said that, and the person did NOT accept this shit from me. Normally I would have argued and defended myself, but because I have been practicing self-honesty and listening/hearing, I shut up within myself and listened to the other person’s perspective.  
 What I realized is that this has been a pattern play-out in my life for a really long time. It is self-judgment, wherein over time I have seemingly small, judgmental thoughts about myself, like, oh, my nails look bad, I’m gaining weight, I slept in too late, I didn’t get enough done today, etc… and then I start feeling insecure, and then I’ll start projecting the judgment, by thinking little things like, “I should put this away or he’ll think I’m lazy,” “these pants are too frumpy, he’ll think I’m sloppy,” “I should do more or she’ll think I didn’t get much done today,” etc… Then, when the person is in my midst, I’ll think they are thinking these things about me, and get super self-conscious, but they are not even thinking these things! I would have to be a mind-reader to know the thoughts of another, and anyways- what would it matter what another is possibly thinking? It doesn’t. This all seems really obvious now as I write it, but throughout my life, I have done so many things for fear of what the other ‘might’ think. Sometimes I have had entire relationships in which I have been entirely dictated by this pattern to the point where I don’t even want to be around the person anymore. And because it seems so real to me, I never realized that the judgment was coming from ME, not the other person!

            So, the point that opened up within these realizations is just how judgmental I actually am towards myself. I have an extremely high, even unreasonable standard that I hold myself to, where if I do not achieve perfection, I judge me. So I’m really hard on myself in this way. I’m not even what’s called a ‘type-A personality’, because the way it manifests for me is defeat- wherein I just end up mostly giving up and feeling like “what’s the point- it’s unobtainable- it’s too much work- etc..” which is an attitude that just perpetuates the self-judgment, because I then end up doing less than I am able.

            Within all this, I see that I have to be more gentle with myself, so that I can function from a starting point of self-care and self-consideration, so that I can actually be more effective, and also be able to be and express myself and enjoy the people I spend time with.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe and participate in my backchat and self-talk to the point where it influences who and how I am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed backchat and negative self-talk to exist within and as me, wherein I, throughout the day, make positive or negative judgments about myself in relation to others and the world, thus defining myself as ‘good; and ‘bad’ within my mind, and then confirming my judgments constantly and continuously through/by projecting my self-judgments onto the behavior of others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to project my backchat and negative self-talk onto others in my life and world, because it influences who I am around others wherein I am trying to control their perception of me and thus, my perception of myself, instead of changing myself actually, and BEING who I am instead of perceiving who I am in relation to people, places, things, and events outside of me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame others for ‘judging me and making me feel bad’, instead of seeing, realizing and understanding that I have only been judging myself and being unreasonable with my standards and expectations of myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abdicate my responsibility to myself by projecting my self-judgment onto others, and instead of changing I avoided the other, or tried endlessly to ‘be perfect’ in order to not be judged.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define ‘being perfect’ as not feeling judged by others, because I see, realize and understand that the mind will constantly and continuously judge unless it is directed with awareness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not define ‘being perfect’ as being aware of myself and that which I create, and directing myself and that which I create according to the principle of doing unto others as myself, and being one and equal to myself.

            To me, this character seems like a ‘people pleaser’, so I will take apart and forgive this character in my next blog.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 88- Going Down the Rabbit's Hole or Still Looking at the Mirror? (pt. 2)

“The main realizations I had within and through writing these statements is that I have the tendency to project and imagine ‘big things’ and ‘big plans’ for myself, in the mind where the entire play out can be played out in seconds, wherein there is an instant gratification and feelings of accomplishment experienced within me. However, the ‘downfall’ and consequential outflow of this are that I become discouraged and defeated when I go to bring those plans into action in the real world, the physical world outside of my mind, the reality we all share, otherwise known as Here. These feelings lead to ‘stagnation’ and ‘stuckness’ within which I am not as effective within what I do, because in a way, I feel as though I have already failed. This then leads to the experience of being overwhelmed with the amount of actual steps it will take to accomplish that which I want to accomplish, and then I experience anxiety as a ‘falling behind’ because in my mind, I am already way ahead of myself.

It takes time, dedication, commitment and patience to get things done in the physical reality, and these are the things I am mapping myself out to become. I see, realize and understand that I can only work from Here, and that there is a difference between making a plan or long term goals, and fantasizing about what it will be like ‘then’, when everything is done and where, in my mind, everything was easy and successful.”


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to try/attempt to escape and avoid Here by trying to do everything and get it all done so that I can be ‘there,’ in the future where things are done and everything is in order, and where I’ve projected that I will experience myself differently ‘then’.

I commit myself to stop projecting about who and how I will be later, and which situation I will be in later, instead of focusing on now and my actions and behaviours now that will create me as who and how I want to be, by being it now.

I commit myself to do what needs to be done daily, instead of existing within and as the belief that one day, it will all be done. I see and realize that my organs function in every moment until I die, and that I too apply myself as Who I Am in every moment till my time is up.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to take one thing at a time, and bring it Here, and focus on it with all my presence and awareness, and direct the one thing I have chosen to focus on to the best of my ability, while always making sure I am self-honest about what exactly my ability is.

I commit myself to take one thing at a time, to bring it Here and focus on it with all my presence and awareness, and to direct it to the best of my ability, always remembering to question my ability, to push the limits of my ability to see exactly what it is I am capable of.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a character that wants/needs/desires ‘forward motion’ as a polarity with myself as lazy, motionless, stagnant and unmotivated.

I commit myself to work on finding balance in my Life, with some time dedicated to rest, relaxation and enjoyment, but not too much, and some time dedicated to responsibilities, but not too much.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want/need/desire to participate within and as the ‘forward motion’ character because I have defined it as ‘successful’, within the belief that that is how successful people operate, and if I were just like that, I would be successful too.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want/desire success instead of focusing on actually being successful in my practical application of myself in my life and world.

I commit myself to allow myself to be successful, to embrace and become one with success instead of seeing/perceiving it as something ‘out there’ that happens to other people who have the answers that I think/believe I will never find.

I commit myself to be and become a success within myself, within self-mastery of myself in my entirety, so that what I think is what I do.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want/need/desire to participate within and as the ‘forward motion’ character because I admire others that this character is trying to emulate as an experience,  and so I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want/desire others to admire me when I am ‘moving forward’ and ‘getting things done,’ so that I may ‘have’ the experience, instead of realizing that an ‘experience’ is nothing but an energetic momentary rush within me, while the actual creating myself successfully just ‘is ,’ as it simply becomes Who I Am.

I commit myself to base my actions in self-honesty and doing what’s best for myself as all as one as equal in actuality, instead of playing around with images, perceptions and judgment as who I am as an experience of myself. I realize and understand that it is sometimes necessary to ‘go into character’ to present myself in a certain way at, for example, a job, wherein there are certain social and company rules that must be abided by. I commit myself to understand the social and company rules In my workplace, to understand who I am in relation to them, and to abide by them without compromising or influencing myself as Who I Am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to base success on an internal experience, instead of the actual measurable outcome of my actions.

I commit myself to stop chasing ideas, perceptions and beliefs, and to instead ground myself in reality Here, and take actual actions towards that which I have set as my goals.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being unsuccessful, lazy, unmotivated and stagnant.

I commit myself to stop fearing that which I have complete ability to control and direct, by slowly but surely teaching myself how to control and direct it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to manifest for myself that which I fear, specifically here where I overwhelm myself where I reach points where I feel ‘stuck’ and unable to move myself to simple tasks.

I commit myself to stop the patterns of self-defeat which create many unnecessary consequences, by giving myself back my power in order to move and direct me out of the habits and patterns I have come to depend on to keep me in line, to prioritize my self-interest and to stay lazy.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create unnecessary mountains for me to climb, because of and due to not remaining Here, in breath, and instead going into my mind, creatingresistances, backchat, beliefs and thoughts and internal experiences such as stress and anxiety about small things that could easily be done.

I commit myself to live  equal and one to that which I create, because I am equal to and one with it In Fact.  Thus,

I commit myself to change my creations of and as me, and to knock down the mountains of the mind by simply taking it step by step, bringing it Here, equal to me, so that I can manage it as me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think/believe/perceive that I need to experience events all the time to indicate that I am moving forward, instead of moving me Here to pave the way for myself y taking one step at a time and doing it well.

I commit myself to stop abdicating my self-responsibility to things and events outside of me, and to take complete self-responsibility for myself in every moment by applying myself within, through and between events in my life, no matter what the event is.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think about and conjure up big plans for myself, without considering the time,patience and actual work it will require to get it done.

I commit myself to bring myself out of my mind and into reality, where big plans involve actual real commitment, dedication and effort, instead of imagining about obtaining the big results thus only creating energetic emotional experiences within and as me, which will only lead to feelings of defeat when I try to accomplish these things in real life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to expect/want/desire instant gratification and immediate results.

I commit myself to remember the pace at which the physical moves and to stop rushing ahead in my mind, creating a whole reality before I even take the first step, but to instead take my first steps Here, the only place where it is possible to do.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think/believe/perceive instant gratification and immediate results are possible.

I commit myself to let go of the McWorld of the mind, and enter into the real world, where change takes time and actions have consequences.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that movement in the physical takes time.

I commit myself to be the patience, dedication, commitment and discipline that I am, and to develop myself as these qualities, in order to move with the physical world which is the real reality we all share.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to distract myself from Here with curiosity and entertainment and fruitless pursuits of the mind that always bring me back to the exact same pattern of procrastination, overwhelmed and anxious.

I commit myself to stop feeding the energetic experience I achieve when fulfilling my curiosities and to instead direct myself to occupy my time not with gossip, entertainment and distraction, but with actual actions and self-directed learning while working towards a living understanding of myself, my world and reality.

 I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sabotage myself and my process by repeating patterns and habits that I know lead to nowhere and timeloops.

I commit myself to take the necessary steps  to replace self-sabotage with self-care, self-nurturing and self-creation.


Day 87- Going Down the Rabbit's Hole or Still Staring at the Mirror?

These are the self-forgiveness and self-corrective statements based on my last blog “Day 86- Moving Forward,Missing the NOW.” The main realizations I had within and through writing these statements is that I have the tendency to project and imagine ‘big things’ and ‘big plans’ for myself, in the mind where the entire play out can be played out in seconds, wherein there is an instant gratification and feelings of accomplishment experienced within me. However, the ‘downfall’ and consequential outflow of this are that I become discouraged and defeated when I go to bring those plans into action in the real world, the physical world outside of my mind, the reality we all share, otherwise known as Here. These feelings lead to ‘stagnation’ and ‘stuckness’ within which I am not as effective within what I do, because in a way, I feel as though I have already failed. This then leads to the experience of being overwhelmed with the amount of actual steps it will take to accomplish that which I want to accomplish, and then I experience anxiety as a ‘falling behind’ because in my mind, I am already way ahead of myself.

It takes time, dedication, commitment and patience to get things done in the physical reality, and these are the things I am mapping myself out to become. I see, realize and understand that I can only work from Here, and that there is a difference between making a plan or long term goals, and fantasizing about what it will be like ‘then’, when everything is done and where, in my mind, everything was easy and successful.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to constantly and continuously require signs that I am ‘moving forward.’

I commit myself to be and become the forward motion I want to be instead of looking for ways to merely experience it by looking for signs to tell me that I am doing it. I see realize and understand that if I were in fact ‘doing it’, I would not require signs and I would not want/need/desire signs in the first place.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to charge the thought/perception of ‘forward motion’ with a positive charge.

I commit myself to untangle the relationships I have created with external people, things and events in my life, including expectations, fears, wants, desires, etc…

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think/believe/perceive ‘forward motion’ is good/right/positive.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define ‘forward motion’ as events taking place, instead of seeing/realizing/understanding that I can only develop myself as who I Am Here.

I commit myself to live the definition of ‘forward motion’ as me developing myself Here, in the moment, within and as presence and awareness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create and manifest a feeling of anxiety within and as me because I feel like I can never do ‘enough’.

I commit myself to do only what I can do in a single breath, breath by breath, within and as self-direction always.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to bring everything I have to do Here in one moment, within the belief that I need to do it all now and charging it with a sense of urgency, thus overwhelming myself in this moment, instead of taking into consideration the many steps each project or task requires, and the consistent daily application required in order to get it all done, bit by bit.

I commit myself to map out the necessary steps required to complete a plan, and then to take those steps one by one, until it’s done, no matter how long it takes.

I commit myself to remain patient with myself as I move at the pace of the physical, and not within the instant gratification of the mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create the internal energetic experience of impatience, anxiousness and stagnation when I am waiting for an event, instead of realizing and understanding that Who I Am in the moment is what determines me, not what I do nor how many events come and go.

I commit myself to continue to push and apply myself in every moment, especially in the time between events, because that is the time where I have nothing to motivate me, and where I must really apply myself to move myself.

I forgive myself that I have NOT accepted and allowed myself to consider that each time I get overwhelmed and fall within my daily responsibility to myself, I create more work for later, which will build up and thus I am manifesting the overwhelming and anxious experience which I am creating within and as me in the first place, only now it’s for real.

I commit myself to push through and maintain my stability through periods of ‘overwhelmingness’, and to not get lost within them, because I know they are of energy, and energy is only ever temporary. I realize and understand that, if I push through, I will come out of it a little stronger and a little more stable, and that is how I build/manifest and create myself.

I commit myself to build/manifest/create for/as myself a self that I can trust and depend on, by constantly and consistently making the decision to bring myself back Here, out of the mind and into the physical,

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to manifest the actual real-life and real-time experience of overwhlmingness and anxiety for myself by constantly creating the experience for myself in my mind.

I commit myself to STOP creating myself unconsciously, at the whim of/as my mind, and to create myself instead within and as self-direction, where I decide who/how I will be.

I commit myself to stop all anxiety and overwhelmingness as it comes up in/as me, and to instead direct myself to move me to self-directed actions that I choose in accordance with doing what’s best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create resistances for myself in relation to responsibilities in my life and world, because I know deep down that I can never do enough to get me ‘there’, thus I know deep down that no matter how much I do and how hard I try, I will always end up burnt out and overwhelmed because there’s no other way to do it than one day at a time, one action at a time, and one breath at a time, Here.

I commit myself to stop sabotaging myself by looking for the easy way out and looking for an escape from Here.  I see, realize and understand that no matter how hard I try to get tHere, I will always only be Here with me, so I commit myself to make the choice to be Here, wholly.
Self-forgiveness and Self-commitments continued in the next blog...


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 86- Moving Forward, Missing the NOW

While I was talking to someone today, it was pointed out to me that I have the tendency to seek ‘forward motion.’ Within this tendency, I look for signs of accomplishments which would indicate to me that I am taking steps towards my goals, in order to have the experience of forward motion. For example, I’m job hunting at the moment, and it hasn’t even been a week, and I was talking about how I don’t have a job yet, and how I want to have the job NOW so that I can have ‘forward motion’ and be saving money and getting on with my big plans. The problem within this is that, I’m literally taking on this stance of constantly looking into the future and judging my current progress as if I’m looking back at myself. So I am , in my mind, waaaay ahead, looking back at me Here and being like, “common, catch up”. So instead of living in the one Here moment that is actually real, participating in my life with presences and awareness, I’m furiously rushing within myself to catch up to… myself.

When I go into this ‘mode’ or character, I experience myself as constantly ‘checking in’, judging my progress and getting pretty down on myself, as if I’m never doing enough. The consequence of this is and has been that I actually work less effectively than I am able. This is because every little task is already a failure, because it won’t get me tHere, because I can only ever be right Here, within my current experience.

In the next few blogs, I will wright out this character that is in a constant race from Here, in order to see how I created this experience for myself so that I can stop and change it. It’s going to be really interesting because, I can already feel I’m having many resistances towards really looking at this point. It is a very familiar pattern in my life, and it really hasn’t served me at all. It’s quite stressful and it makes me anxious. It also feels disempowering because in my mind I want to be tHere, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t get away from my current experience. It requires time and steps to work towards my goals, it can’t just happen like a fast food order- as I have been taught by media, technology and MacDonald’s. I need to slooooow down, and bring myself back to Here, and take each step with a firmly planted foot.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 85- Commiting to the Tools, the Group, the Principles and the Change

This is a continuation from Day 80- Desteni Character: Fear, wherein I am making self-commitment statements in order to stop limiting myself to a cast of characters based in fear, continuing with the Desteni character.
I commit myself to stand within my decision to participate within Desteni, and to breathe through the thoughts, feelings and emotions stemming from fears in relation to Desteni and the controversy it may bring.

I see, realize and understand that any real change is going to be fraught with resistance, and that the brutal self-honesty demanded by the principles of oneness and equality are going to bring up both the best and the worst in people, the worst which, if not directed and forgiven, may be projected towards myself or others involved within Desteni.

I commit myself to remain the same yesterday, today and tomorrow despite the turbulence that might exist around me.

I commit myself to stop avoiding controversy, and to instead stand as Who I Am no matter what.

I commit myself to continue applying self-forgiveness, self-honesty and self-corrective application in order to see points in my life through from beginning to end, to continue proving to myself the effectiveness of taking self-responsibility, and thus being a living example of the tools and their effectiveness.

I commit myself to let go of the desire to ‘prove’ myself to anyone but myself, by living real change, because that which is real does not need to be proven.

I commit myself to stop provjecting into the future of the possible harm that may come to those enacting change within themselves and the world, because:

I see, realize and understand that if I accept and allow fear to stop me, then I accept and allow it to stop others, and within this ‘stopping’ I will not be an agent of change and I will not be able to stand as one vote, which is all I have the power to do. I choose to be one vote for world equality.

I commit myself to stand stable within my decision to be one vote, and to support others willing to do the same.

I commit myself to stand as self-honesty within my relationships by standing equal to them, and to never place the value of the relationship above myself and others.

I commit myself to free myself by taking self-responsibility for what I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 84- Making the Decision: Taking Myself Back

Within this blog I am making the self-commitment statements and scripting the self-corrective application based on yesterday’s blog, “Day83- Why Can’t I Make A Decision,” in order to take myself back from the indecisiveness, anger and frustration which I manifest within and as me when I participate in trying to gain validation and approval for my actions and decisions.

I commit myself to take complete self-responsibility for the decision that I make, and to stand within and as the decisions that I make, so that they are MY decisions.

When and as I see that I am accepting and allowing myself to be influenced by another/others within my decision-making process, I stop, and I breathe. I take myself back and give myself ownership of my decisions by breathing through any energetic reactions I experience within and as me, and I direct myself to make a quick list of the pros and cons of all sides of the decision when necessary, in order to write out self-forgiveness so that I may see the decision more clearly.

I commit myself to be the directive principle of myself within my decision-making, so that I may make all decisions based in/on self-honesty and practical common-sense, in alignment of what’s best for all.

When and as I see that I am making a decision based in self-interest in trying/attempting to gain approval/validation, I stop, and I breathe. I do not accept/allow myself to make the decision in this state, and I clear myself through writing self-forgiveness, using self-honesty, and making the decision only when I can check and see that I am clear.

I commit myself to stop seeking/wanting/needing/desiring validation and approval for the decision that I make.

I commit myself to take myself back from the approval-seeking character, and to instead walk as Me, Here.

When and as I see that I am abdicating my self-responsibility to others outsde of me and making them responsible for my decision, I stop, and I breathe. I bring myself back to self-direction through taking self-responsibility for my decisions, and commiting myself to stand within all decisions that I make.

I commit myself to end the separation I have accepted and allowed to exist between myself and others by stopping my want/need/desire for validation and approval from others outside of me.

When and as I see that I am seeking approval and validation from others outside of me I stop and I breathe. I bring myself back Here by validating and approving of myself through and as self-acceptance within the understanding that I will stand within my own decisions and actions by taking self-responsibility for them and thus standing within my actions and decisions as Me.

I commit myself to stop accepting and allowing frustration to exist within and as me during the decision-making process by standing within and taking self-responsibility for the decisions I make.

When and as I see that I am growing frustrated within making a decision I stop and I breathe. I walk myself out of the frustration by self-honestly looking at where I am giving my decision-making power away by making decisions contingent on others, and then using the tools of self-forgiveness, self-honesty and self-corrective application to make the decision contingent on me and my application of the principle of doing what’s best for all and myself as all.

I commit myself to stop blaming others for the decisions that I did not take self-responsibility for, and to instead take self-responsibility for all the decision that I make.

When and as I see that I am blaming another/others for a decision that I can’t stand by I stop and I breathe. I bring myself back to self-direction within directing the decision and the outflows/consequences of the decision by taking self-responsibility for them , and doing everything I can to direct the decision or change the decision back to alignment with what’s best for me as all, and walk the process through to completion.

I commit myself to stop ‘taking credit’ for things/actions/decisions in self-interest in order to create a self-image, and instead I focus on the outflows and consequences of the things/actions/decisions and evaluating self-honestly whether or not they are contributing to a world that’s best for all.

I commit myself to only give/take credit where credit is due.

When and as I see that I am creating a false self-image through ‘taking credit’ for things I stop and I breathe. I bring myself back down to earth within the understanding that giving/taking credit only where credit is due is recognizing whether the outflows and consequences of actions and decision are creating an improved world or not, and then aligning myself only with the actions and decision that are, because anything else would be unacceptable.

I commit myself to stop discussing my actions/decisions from a starting point of manipulation, and to instead make decisions within myself, and discussing them only within and as self-honesty if it is required to gain further perspective on situations or events in order to see points I may not see.

When and as I see that I am discussing my actions/decisions from a starting point of manipulation, wherein I am trying or attempting to CONvince another that what I am doing is ‘right’, or in order to manipulate them to agree with me, with my emotional experience in order to validate my emotions and feelings, I stop, and I breathe. I bring myself back to self-honesty by calling myself out and remembering my self-relationship, wherein I accept myself, forgive myself for what and how I have lived thus far, in order to stop these patterns and habits from existing within/as me.

I commit myself to stop trying and attempting to do the ‘right’ thing according to those in my environment, and to instead do what’s best for all, which begins with self and creating a self that does what’s best for all in all ways.

I commit myself to stand by my decisions and to direct the outcome as much as I am possibly able to, and to direct that outcome to what’s best for all.

When and as I see that I am making/not making a decision out of fear, I stop and I breathe. I bring myself back Here within the realization that there is nothing to fear, there is only the experience of regret for decisions with consequences that are not best for me nor in alignment with doing what’s best for all, which is an unnecessary experience that I would rather avoid by breathing through the fear, and acting instead in self-honesty, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application within the principles of oneness and equality, and directing myself to see decisions through.

I commit myself to making decisions and taking action based on the principles I decide to stand by, and not based on what’s easiest or what I’m in the mood for.

I commit myself to free myself from the prison of my moods and motivation, and to instead direct myself to move according to my principles.

When and as I see that I am making a decision based on laziness, on my mood or motivation, I stop and I breathe through the resistance or the motivational push until I am clear and until I am in full presence and awareness Here, and I make the decision to move from Here.

I commit myself to eradicate the fear of failure from my Life.

I commit myself to let go of self-control, and teach myself self-mastery instead.

I commit myself to stop sabotaging myself as a form of self-control, and to instead build myself as self-movement.

When and as I see that I am sabotaging myself through giving up and giving in I stop, and I breathe. I bring myself back to my process of self-mastery within pushing myself to take one step at a time, to take the next step, and the next one until the decision has been walked in its entirety.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 83- Why I Can't Make A Decision

Within this blog I am writing out the self-forgiveness statements to understand and release myself from the approval-seeking character, which manifests indecisiveness, frustration, second guessing myself, and making decisions that I can’t stand by in my life.

This character is described in greater detail in my last blog: Day 82- I Can’t Make A Decision.

In the blogs to follow, I will take apart this point with the tool of self-forgiveness, in order to understand it so that I can stop participating in this character and eventually stop, and change.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have created and manifested myself as an approval-seeking character throughout my life as a way of ‘getting out of’ making my own decisions, and not having to take responsibility for the decisions I end up making, wherein, they are not my decisions, but rather the decisions of the majority of people whom I’ve talked to about them.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that, in order to be the directive principle within my own life, I have to make my own decisions based in/as self-honesty and practical common-sense in alignment with what’s best for all and what’s best for myself as all.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abdicate my decision making power to others outside of me, by seeking validation and approval for who I am and what I choose to do.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from others by thinking/believing /perceiving that I require validation/approval to do and be.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to grow frustrated within myself because I blame myself for not being able to make clear decisions that I can stand by/within, because I haven’t realized that I am giving my decision-making power away by making my decisions contingent on which I think/believe have the greatest approval from the most important/majority of people.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to blame others when I make decisions that don’t work out or that I can’t stand by because I consciously or subconsciously believed they were responsible due to the fact that I made the decision contingent upon what I thought would gain their approval, or what they appeared to consider valid.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to take credit for decisions that worked out, knowing that I was not entirely responsible for the decision, thus conning myself about Who I Really Am, and CONvincing myself that I am something that I’m not, thus setting myself up to exist within and as the FEAR that I will be found out, instead of realizing only I can ‘find me out’ and call myself out in order to stop and give myself back my power to make clear decision that I can test out for myself, take complete responsibility for and stand by.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to talk about my choices/decision with others form a starting point of trying to CONvince them that the choice I want to make is the right choice, and secretly trying to get them to agree with me, thus validate/approve of my choice so that I can appease myself within the belief that ‘it is the right choice because another has validated/approved of it for me.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not give myself the power/courage to make my own choices.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think/believe/perceive that I am incapable of making the ‘right’ decision, instead of seeing/realizing/understanding that there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ decision, only decisions that are in alignment with what is best for me as all, and those that are not.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear making decisions, for fear that they will turn out poorly, and I will be ‘proven’ and ‘confirmed’ that I do not know  what’s best for me, or that I cannot stick by and stand within the decisions I make.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to seek approval and validation for my decisions from a starting point of laziness and non-commitment, wherein, if I gain validation and approval, then I don’t have to face the fact that I was lazy or didn’t apply myself to commit to the decision, because then I can just use the excuse that ‘they’ were wrong and ‘that’s why it didn’t work out.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within and as laziness within the excuse that ‘making decisions work out is hard’, and then not really making any decisions or commitments because that is the easy thing to do.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not commit to decisions because of the fear that they will fail and because it’s easier to sabotage myself and make the decision fail because at least then I feel like I have control and it was my will, instead of trying and then failing- because then I would feel like I didn’t have control.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to want/need/desire to experience myself as ‘in control’ by manipulating the outcomes of decisions through self-sabotage.

Self-commitment statements to follow.