Thursday, January 21, 2021

Qanon and Global Change

I was following the Q anon movement for about a year, up until about 2 years ago – this was NOT a very acceptable or popular thing to be interested in within my liberal/democratic social circles. I got to Q through being a Bernie Sanders supporter. I followed the 2016 primaries closely, and for anyone looking even just beneath the narrative, you will see that a LOT was exposed about the blatant corruption in US politics and the media during that time.  It is interesting because Q anon is highly associated with Republicans, but if you take a little time to investigate, you will see that it is not about Democrats and Republicans, but rather about the entire establishment containing a corrupt mafia-like structure (with international ties) present on both sides, with a group of otherwise well-intentioned people trying to represent the masses in government.

I got into Q anon by initially looking into wikileaks, and eventually got invited to a Q anon group on facebook by a Ramster. I saw the same information repeating itself, information I had been hearing about for years. I dug in and I learned about Q+, kek, pepe, Qproofs, decoding tweets with gematria, BOOM, 4chan, 8chan, alice in wonderland, Q drops, white hats, 5:25, trust the plan, the political moves, people and positions being filled, etc… so for anons, that will give you an idea of how far or how not far I got into it.

Q anon’s goals include bringing the power of the government back to the people, stopping corruption and abuse in politics, religion and the entertainment industry, creating a fair capitalism that is not tainted by monopolies, harmonization and globalization, exposing and stopping funding global elites that have all the power and control in banking, the food industry, media, politics, international relations through driving the war machine and arms industry, medicine and pharmaceuticals, and basically owning everything we depend on to survive in this physical reality.

The Q anon movement was quite a phenomenon, and although it did have its highly publicized radical fringes, from what I saw, it had its fair share of very level-headed people. These people were mostly concerned with accountability, transparency and essentially making the world a better place in ways they understood this could actually happen in our current system of corruption and control. There was also a focus on ending human-trafficking and pedophilia, and the misuse of public funds globally.

So, I followed this movement and I thought YES, the people at the top may finally be exposed and lose their power, and new, better, ‘good’ people are going to take their place and make the world a better place for all of us. I really thought that one group was going to penetrate the political sphere, and shake the corrupt foundations that had been so firmly set in place since the very beginning. And to this day, based on what I saw and read, I still think this movement could have been very real, and very well-intentioned.

Meantime, I have for over 10 years promoted another, different solution – one based more in common sense. A grass-roots movement that takes place from the ground up. This solution posits that every human being should be valued, and that the money system should be a reflection of this value, where money is created based on human life. Financial support for basic needs (food, education, health care, housing, transportation and communication) from birth till death – no fear of not having money, no survival of the fittest, but rather money equally for everyone, in other words, Equal Money, or an Equal Money System. (Yes, you can still work and make a lot more money and be rich, and yes, at this point we do know there is more than enough money to go around the globe several times).

There were a few realizations I had regarding the Q movement that I simply couldn’t deny, and which the Equal Money System solution actually addresses directly. This touches on the human trafficking and pedophilia points, within which an important reality was ignored within the Q anon movement. This is the fact that, when you only look at the elite and the abuses they commit, you are actually wearing blinders to a huge part of reality. I had spoken to a man that had spent years in South African townships, and he recounted to me the child rape and abuse at all levels that was able to take place unnoticed in these conditions of poverty. He saw people (not the elite) offering their children for rape to landlords when they were not able to pay the rent, and inter-familial molestation taking place regularly. People in these conditions all over the world end up prostituting their children for food money, and selling some of their children into sex slavery in order make money to save the rest of the family. These atrocities are not isolated to South African townships though, they take place all over the world, including countries such as the USA. And then you can consider child-sex tourism in almost every impoverished country, where middle-class people (not the elite), travel to experience sex with a child against the child’s will. So, pedophilia is a global accepted occurrence, and only a fraction of child rape takes place by the elite. When we focus on the elite, who are essentially untouchable, we are ignoring the bigger part of the problem, which is pedophilia committed by ‘normal’ people all over the world every day.

The elite are said to use pedophilia in satanic rituals and in order to use as blackmail to control the entertainment industry, and the other entertainment industry called politics. This is some serious mental depravity. However, the other, every day pedophilia has the common thread of poverty – needing money to survive, and being stuck in sex slavery due to lack of money, and pedophilia as a result of lack of education. I mention lack of education because of the use of child-rape within the belief that it will cure one of AIDS and other conditions. So, every-day pedophilia and MANY other forms of abuse can be directly addressed by valuing human life, and backing that value with money (enough for food, water, housing, education, transportation and communication). In all of these conditions, if either the child or the family had money, the rape would not have occurred, or the child could have walked away (many do, and end up on the streets).

With the elites, we are talking about a whole other level of madness – one that cannot be directed with money, because they already have that. These people need to be committed into mental institutions and perhaps even studied to learn how the human mind can sink to such depths of perversion and degradation, in order that we may prevent such mind-control or brainwashing from ever occurring again.

Now look at the numbers: billions of people live in poverty or extreme poverty, half the global population – how many millions of children are abused in these conditions, stuck there with no way out because they do not have money. Now think about how many elite exist in the world? Every well-versed conspiracy theorist can tell you that there is not that many, especially the higher up you go. So, the number of children being raped by these ‘untouchable’ people is but a mere fraction of the problem, and is the part of the problem that is farthest from our reach to prove and so prevent.

I had to ask myself, why is my focus being diverted to a very small fraction of a global problem, and the fraction that I am least empowered to do something about? It started to feel like I was living in a conspiracy theory within and conspiracy theory! Using conspiracies to distract from real solutions. I mean, yes, I can expose the elite and their use of pedophilia, but when I started looking, I saw that this has been exposed for years with absolutely no effect, and that if I were to jump on this bandwagon, I would be sucked down so many rabbit holes, and would most likely become labelled as a conspiracy theorist and lose my voice and credibility. Whereas if I were to use my time, energy, resources and voice to expose the bigger global phenomenon, and to empower people financially (like with voting for Yang for example, or starting grassroots movement which I am currently busy doing with a growing group of people, check out Earth Haven), then I would be doing what the elite really fear – empowering the masses.  

Why do you think conspiracy theories are allowed to run rampant on the elite-controlled internet? It is but one of the devices of the elite to consume people, discredit them whether the conspiracy is true or not, and get them sucked down endless rabbit holes where human time, ingenuity, resources and power is lost. I have spoken to many people, and I am one myself, that had spent a lot of time following lines of information and conspiracy theories – many of which I do believe are true. But the one thing we all had in common was that we spent a LOT of time on it, and had no effect whatsoever. Not only that, but in our actual day-to-day lives, we were becoming withdrawn, creating friction with no solution, and not building up our own lives or empowering ourselves to actually do something in our very own communities.

We were spending hundreds of hours online, and it is kind of fun and exciting, entertaining ourselves, joining a special global group of people ‘in the know’ – with absolutely no physical evidence of having done anything of value or worth. In fact, in one moment, parts of the internet can be shut down, or the entire internet can be controlled, and we will lose all of our work and be forced to face the realities in our own backyards.

Ask yourself, what is the last thing the elite want from the masses? The answer is empowerment. What is the quickest way to empower someone? Give them money. But the elite want slaves and they are very cunning about it. They want people stuck in survival, working to the bone, fearing losing a paycheck. They are so cunning they will even hide in plain sight, expose their lesser and more expendable ranks to keep the slaves distracted, consumed, busy, focused on things they cannot do anything about. Meanwhile, empowering people in the most direct and important way, which is financially, has been demonized, labelled, laughed at, called evil like socialism or communism - seems like another elite tactic, doesn't it? When you talk to most people about giving others money, they will suddenly separate and divide themselves from their fellow man. But is that not yet ANOTHER tactic of the elite? To divide and conquer? Now we turn against each other and call each other lazy, undeserving, leeches, where did these ideas come from? Who started them? Why aren't we looking at the obvious: looking at how much stress EVERYONE is under due to money, having to make money, where it is becoming harder and harder to secure a life in this world. 

But we do not want to give everyone access to money, because we are spiteful. We are angry. I am angry. We are tired. I am tired. We never got anything for free, we had to ‘suffer’, so everyone should suffer. We would rather live in a suffering world than secure everyone with a guaranteed income, without looking at how much suffering would end, in case a handful of people abuse it and we get our feelings hurt (because it would not actually harm us physically). I think, in reality, we all fear something a little deeper... it is in fact SO easy to give everyone money, that we would feel incredibly ashamed once we had done it - because we would realize how quickly it would end so much suffering, especially the suffering of the innocent, yet we were unwilling to even consider it because of our own self-interest. How shameful.

This is where I come to the notion of forgiveness. The notion of offering a blank slate. To each other and to ALL, with no more retribution, no more paying for sins, no more punishment – because our sins are so much, that if we were to each one pay for our sins and the sins of our fathers, we would be paying for sins forevermore, and the world would not change. Q anons can be vicious, hungry for revenge, hungry for a witch hunt, hungry for people to be hung, tortured, abused as they have abused. Then maybe they will learn a lesson, right? Q anons want suffering to take place, to end suffering.

But what about those elite that have had enough? What about the ones that have had a change and want to change? The ones forced into it against their will? What happens to the elite that want to speak out, who are actually in a position where they could finally expose and prove for real what is going on in the upper circles? What they face is death from both directions. If they are not killed by the elite themselves, then they will be killed by the masses of people hungry for their blood. What if Hillary Clinton actually did eat the face of a child and participate in torture and ritualistic abuse, and has now seen that she can’t get away with it for much longer, that it is not working… her health is failing and her corruption exposed, and now she just wants to speak about it and end it all. Will she speak out if she knows she will be received by a one-way trip to Guantanamo? Probably not. If we have to force it out of each one, with the positions they are in and the power they have, it will take a very, very long time. During this time, more children will suffer.

If we were to instead forgive the elite, and employ them to use their resources to turn the entire system around – with the knowledge and understanding they have of the system and the human mind, and how to effect change effectively on a large scale, then we could actually end the problem faster. So, the question here is: do we want to end the problem faster and change more effectively, or do we more want punishment and revenge (even if that desire for punishment and revenge will prolong the suffering of the innocent)? If even the most high-up, notorious elite whistleblowers were met with forgiveness, more would be willing to do the same. They can either help, or disappear, and never again repeat the same behaviour they have been living for so long.

About 2000 years ago, a group of people were in the very same position that we stand in today – they were asked to forgive those who killed him. And they had to, because it is what Jesus himself preached. They had to overcome their anger, their resent, their suffering, their spite, and forgive the very ones that killed their messiah. They had to, because if they did not, those that killed him could not have been converted, could not have changed. This is the position we stand in today, on a much larger and more consequential scale, but the same position nonetheless.

Within all of this, all of the information and theories that may or may not be true – I know that I stand for a change in the economic system where life is valued over profit. I realize that we cannot hope and wait for the elite to change or to bring a change, but thankfully there has been a proposal made called an Equal Money System. A bunch of crazy kids went to study economics, politics, law and psychology and drew up a new economic model that addresses every major problem in the world. They wrote books, hosted hangouts, made websites and took on much direct attacks, trolls and haters. Why? Because they wanted to empower everyone with money. Strange, isn’t it?

You can check out the books here:




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