In my last blog post I was dealing with frustration. I
described how waves of frustration will pass over me, and I summed up the
elements of this experience as:
Lack of discipline which causes frustration caused by lack of self-movement due to helplessness in the face of my own defiance.
Lack of discipline which causes frustration caused by lack of self-movement due to helplessness in the face of my own defiance.
I made an analogy of ‘my own defiance’ feelinglike
being confrontedby
a defiant childand
feeling helpless because one cannot ‘force’ a child to do anything if the child
so chooses to set its mind upon
being defiant. I related that the inability to do anything about that situation
was due to potential consequences.
What I was referring to was situation where adults become so frustrated with
the child that they will use physical force/violence, or violent words/reaction
such as getting angryand
yelling- both approaches would normally have negative impacts on both adult and
child, which were the negative consequences I was talking about in my last
Bringing it back to self:
When I am defiant within and towards myself it is due to the fact that I am experiencing something that I fear giving up. When I am doing my studies, it requires focus and concentration. This has been quite a challenge for me, causing great frustration. So what do I fear giving up? And because behind every fear there is self-interest, as self is protecting self, what it the self-interest within/as this fear?
Fear of losing: Escape, the ability to ‘relax’ (which really means laziness), the
It’s interesting because when I’m really honest with myself, I can see that the perception I have of myself is different than who I really am. This is obvious as I take at look back at my day every night, consider all the things I had set out to do (intention), and then seeing the things I had actually done. But who I Am does not exist within intention, who I really am as living actions is something different from my intentions. The actions that I actually live out are what are relevant, because that is the living expression of me and my participation in this world, as it is for all of us. THAT is what counts. So it’s quite a wakeup call when I see that my living expression/participation in this world is not even under my own control, as I set out to do things that I don’t end up doing, or I end up doing less well than I am able, thus putting up with a sub-standard version of myself. THAT is unacceptable.

I will continue with self-forgiveness within my next blog, by
taking apart each paragraph to reveal what is still hidden within the words, so that I can correct myself in writing, and live that correction into my actions.
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may be cool to add a reddit button. cool blog kim