I’ve gotten to the point where I am able to move myself to go and actually set time for something and sit down to start it, but then, as I’m doing it, I “just start going crazy” within myself. I don’t know how many times I’ve said that. But I get super uncomfortable and distractible and preoccupied which I accept and allow to pull me away from the task at hand and prolong the time it takes to do it, instead of sitting down, focusing and working through it comfortably.

forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create and manifest the
energetic experience of uncomfortability, distractibility, and preoccupation
based on my mind, instead of focusing Here, in breathe, as presence and
awareness as I move myself physically through the assignment/work/project, at
the physical pace at which understanding and information absorption and
application takes place.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to pull myself away from the task I am doing, by following the mind instead of breathing Here, breathing through the consequences I have created for myself, and changing self in order to not create them again.
Today in a conversation it was pointed out to me that there is an underlying character, beneath the ‘self-movement’ point I had been working on, which happens over and over again and sabotages me from achieving effective self-movement, which is extremely frustrating, and which fuels the experience of ‘going crazy’.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to pull myself away from the task I am doing, by following the mind instead of breathing Here, breathing through the consequences I have created for myself, and changing self in order to not create them again.
Today in a conversation it was pointed out to me that there is an underlying character, beneath the ‘self-movement’ point I had been working on, which happens over and over again and sabotages me from achieving effective self-movement, which is extremely frustrating, and which fuels the experience of ‘going crazy’.

Tonight for example, I had an assignment. I Already visualized
myself done the assignment and in that scenario I projected- it was easy. And I
was done quick. In reality, it wasn’t ‘hard’ per se, it just took a lot of
focus and actual work and it took almost 4 hours. I ‘ve noticed I would
visualize an assignment as being easy and done quickly, and then go to do the
assignment, and try to live that experience wherein I would just skim through
and do the bare minimum. However now I am more focused on putting my all in to
it and reaching the highest standards I practically can. But I’m not able to do
as well as I know I could because then I sit down and draw it out super
inefficiently and it creates this whole relationship
towards it wherein I feel like I’m ‘going crazy’.
For example, the assignment that took almost 4 hours, I could have reasonably done it in less time, but I kept getting up and moving around and becoming distracted. I understand that I cannot just sit there and plow through it completely focused for hours, that I need to take breaks every now and again. But, the point is to have those breaks be self-directed, wherein, I would direct myself to work on the project for, say 45 minutes, and then take a fifteen minute break, and continue like that until the assignment is done.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become distracted when I set myself up to sit down and focus.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become directed by my mind of energy in moments where I find the work I am doing to be ‘more difficult’ than I had imagined.
I will approach this as a character, identified as the ‘Underestimating’ character, because of the fact that I kno I can do the work, and I know I can do it well so long as I apply myself. But it’s the projection of the work being easy that messes with my application. Whenever I finish an assignment I look back at the work and think, “well, that wasn’t so hard”. However, when I was doing the assignment, especially in the beginning stages, I felt like I was climbing a mountain when I was expecting a molehill. The Underestimating character will be the focus of my blogs till I am confident that I have walked it through and understand it in it’s entirety.
cool Kim - I can relate!