this blog I am exploring and investigating the concept of pursuing ‘likes’ and
avoiding ‘dislikes’ as a way of living, which so many of us do, but mostly to
our own detriment (continued from this series: Blog Series- Becoming an Effective Student ). This topic was brought up in relation to the difficulties I experience while studying, wherein I have realized that over time, I have basically programmed myself, through a system of likes and dislikes, to want to give up and fail (easy way out= like), instead of fully commiting, applying myself and doing my best (difficult way= dislike). I have seen that this is not set in stone, likes and dislikes are choices, programmed over time through reptition of thoughts/words/deeds, mostly done in unawareness. Thankfully, this can be re-done, over time, in awareness, AS awareness, to actual real-time living Here.
Without fully investigating our likes and dislikes in order to understand 'what is this force that is driving us', we are essentially not the creators of our own lives and thus, not responsible for our thoughts, words and deeds. So what then is this force that is directing us, that we are accepting and allowing to act in our stead without even taking the time to understand how we created it, or even considering that it is in fact something created by ourselves.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think, believe or perceive that pursuing ‘likes’ and avoiding ‘dislikes’ is any kind of way to live, especially considering I don’t even understand why I like certain things over others, and also because the things I like are usually the things that are the worst for me.
I commit myself to Live Here, in Reality, without the internal or external influences that activate within and as me as my mind and direct me according to a system of ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ that I created/manifested/developed within/as me without any awareness, to the point that I would be living a life that is not best for me or in any way relevant for all.
When and as I see that my thoughts, words and/or deeds are being influenced by an internal or external ‘pull/ or ‘repulsion’ to/from certain things due to my experience of ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ to/towards that something, I stop, and I breathe. I bring myself back to self-direction within the understanding that the repulsion/attraction is not taking into consideration what is best for me, nor the consequences the action/word/thought will have within my life or the world, and on top of that, the energetic experience of repulsion/attraction will most likely lead me to thoughts/words/deeds that are not beneficial but rather quite destructive towards myself and my world, if and when I accept and allow them to influence and direct myself and my living. Examples of such things are: attraction to sugar, unhealthy foods, smoking, wasting time, gossiping, etc… and repulsion towards: doing my studies, living the words I speak, eating healthy, exercising, waking up early to go to work, tending to responsibilities in my world, such as finances and legal documents/paperwork etc….
Within these
examples I see that, I am attracted to everything that would be to my detriment
if lived out over a lifetime, and the things I experience a repulsion towards
are things that would benefit me if lived out over a lifetime. This goes to
show that our automated minds do not have ourselves nor our worlds in our best
interest. Therefore, this proves the importance of investigating the mind and
stopping the judgments
of likes and dislikes, and any and all judgments,
thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, etc… that do not have the best interest of all
at their source.
The process of self-forgiveness makes
this possible, and creates space to re-program oneself to equality to what’s
here, meaning- no repulsion or attraction, but rather a oneness to what’s here-
all beings, nature, matter etc… so that we may direct ourselves in accordance
to ways in which through living action over time, results that are best for all
will be created and manifested as reality....
When I re-read over what I just wrote, I see within me a reaction to the words “to re-program”.
When I re-read over what I just wrote, I see within me a reaction to the words “to re-program”.
When I investigate these reactions I see that I have
a negative judgment towards these words. But if I remove the judgment and look at the words
for what they are, I see that this is so: we have minds that are programmable, no one would 'like' to hear this, but
this has been proven over and over again in science, commonsense and simple
observable daily living. I can see that my habits are actions and behaviours
that have been programmed by myself into and as my living by repeating them over
So now, when decide I want to live new ‘habits’ and ‘patterns’, I
experience resistances towards letting go of the old ones, and then difficulty
in changing, or re-programming myself to incorporate the new. However, over time, the new
habits and patterns become easier, as my mind adjusts to the re-programming
that I have done in awareness, wherein I will have replaced eating junk with
eating healthy; staying up late and sleeping
in late with going to bed at a decent hour and waking up early and rested for work;
writing myself out at night in blogs rather than watching
television/movies/killing time before bed, etc….. Creating myself anew, becoming the author of a new script, a new program that will benefit me and one that I ensure will benefit those around me and the world, by simply treating others as I would want to be treated within and through living the principles of equality and oneness (EqualMoney.org)
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I will continue to write
out self-commitments and self-corrective applications in my next blog.
Thanks for sharing this Kim, I can relate to the creation of failure and success systems to which we then submit instead of truthfully directing ourselves in self-responsibility as life.
ReplyDeleteCool to walk this journey to life - choosing life - and training ourselves to become the directive principle of ourselves as life.